لوحة المنازل حسب المبنى العشري

by niva 22. تشرين الثاني 2010 14:57

لوحة المنازل حسب المبنى العشري

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لوحة المنازل حسب المبنى العشري

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20/09/2013 02:50:24 ص #

So while I used to be constructing my Fort out by the sea, he went back to restoring the hillside so it not only appeared good, but may assist bushes, flowers and bushes.

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20/09/2013 11:26:32 م #

Smile)). Do you think nudity will ever be legalized in the United States? I get that garments have functions to keep people warm and such, but if weather permitting, why should people be told they could not be nude outside. Public sex, rape, and public masturbation would be taken good care of by bystanders and the law. Youngsters wouldn't be ruined by seeing naked people, especially if they're grown up believing that nudity is nothing to be ashamed of. Guys would get over the whole penis size thing, and as a big deal haphazard boners wouldn't be seen. Every guy gets them. And should you not want to see overweight people, only stop staring or look in another way. People could purchase something to eat and drive to the store, get in their vehicle, go-to the beach, lay in the sun, or simply wander around in public without being bothered by the legislation for being nude. An obsession with sex would spike initially, but would go down rather fast as we would see everyone naked and it would not be a big deal after a few weeks. The single trouble I see would become a sanitary issue with sitting down at restaurants, on buses, or any public setting. Sexually transmitted diseases could spread on public seats, but when we all carried small mats we set down on any public chairs before sitting down, I do not see it being a problem... I simply find it fake that killing an unborn baby is authorized, but being in our natural state is not. How do you feel about the issue? Do you think nudity ought to be legalized?

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